VIDEO - Face Yoga Warrior Pose by "Yoga Face Selfie"
Welcome back to another episode of Yoga Face Selfie, where I help you to start taking your selfies to the next level.
Today’s pose of the day is called “Warrior”. It was inspired by the film of the same name. It requires an intense stare combined with a moderately slack jaw.
Now, if your selfie, like mine, isn’t exactly where you want to be, just use some photoshop magic to give it the proper look. Today I’ll be sharing with you a little segment of how I take my sefies from owe to wow.
Some people ask me, why are you focused on introducing the world to Selfie 2.0 when there are so many social justice issues that need addressing? My answer? I am, just think, if everyone was so focused on their selfies, there would be no time to plot global domination! There would be no more wars. There would be no more terrorists. It’s not only me that thinks this either, for example, just look at Canada’s Justin Trudeau, he’s actually putting my Yoga Face Selfie 2.0 techniques to work in the real world!
Ok, and to wrap up, remember if your face won’t look the way you want it to… there’s always photoshop!
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