Trump's approach to politics is akin to Texas Holdem Poker and Twitter is his FACE

I feel like Trump's approach to politics is akin to Texas Holdem Poker and Twitter is his FACE. I can't speak for everyone, but I have no idea what's going on beneath those faces that Trump pulls. I swear he has no tells. He's orchestrating a facial expression masterpiece every time he's in front of a camera and every time I think I've think I've got him figured out - he's proven me wrong.

For example; I thought his running for presidency was a cheap publicity ploy. I never thought I would ever see his feet cross the threshold of the White House. He got me. Me and everyone else that didn't take him seriously. I'm never letting that happen again, if I can help it. But in all honestly, I'm afraid, because Trump is running in unknown territory with the keys to the nuclear codes of the United States of America and he just eliminated two key seats on the National Security Council and replaced those seats with Steve Bannon (the guy who used to run Breitbart News Network). For those of you who don't know, the White House National Security Council has a "secretive panel of senior government officials... which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council... There (are no) law(s) establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate." Source:

Is Steve Bannon on that secretive panel that can order hits on American citizens with impunity? That scares the crap out of me. When Obama was in office, I wasn't as worried about this stuff, maybe I should have been - but I wasn't. I'm afraid because I don't feel I can read Trump by getting a bearing on what you might call his "tells". I'm totally out to sea until I have something I can use for a reference point. So in relation to making an educated call, about Trump and his taxes, I can't. That is until there is more information on the table. I'd love to do it (as would most other Americans, 74% to be exact - Source), but I'm holding out until more of his cards are turned (in this case his cards are his tax returns). Hopefully I can stay in this game a little longer before the blinds get too high.

@maddow @realDonaldTrump plays political poker  #TexasHoldEm #poker #trumps #TrumpLeaks  #TRUMPSTAXES #TrumpTaxReturns #yogafaceselfie


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