Angela Merkel pulls EPIC Yoga Face Response to Trump for International Press

We all heard how Donald Trump refused to shake Angela Merkel's hand. Then we all went to the YouTube and watched it happen while the press plaintively cried for a forgettable handshake. What Trump proceeded to not do (a handshake) incensed not only the world as a whole, but Angela Merkel, the deadliest practitioner of Yoga Face for Politicians. Some call her the "Yoga Face Selfie Ninja of the Free World", I call her "A Person Not To Be Snubbed".

Sidenote: In my capacity as a professional cinematographer and event photographer, my heart went out to every photographer/cinematographer out there who would have to make the dreaded call to their directors/producers/editors that would go something like this: "Hi, this is, there was no handshake, there was nothing I could do...honestly, no one got the photo!...what? my soul? No, I did not offer up my immortal soul to get the photo for you!...What do you mean I'm fired!?...Hello?" *Shortly after this call, John from legal, who just bought a wicked cool camera, was hired as Bill's replacement at 1/3rd of the going rate. While the producers were happy at the better rate, the real selling point was that John explicitly stated in his contract that selling his immortal soul would not be an impediment to his career advancement * 
Well, as we all know now, Trump refused to shake Merkel's hand, but you'll never believe what Angela Merkel did next! She pulled a page out of the "Yoga Face Selfie 2.0 - For Politicians" handbook and broadcast one of the most epic Yoga Faces the international news media has ever seen. Our editors have pinpointed on the video for you the exact moment the Political Yoga Face Duel Challenge was given and accepted.

Figure 1.1 - The moment the Yoga Face challenge is is given and accepted in response to the handshake refusal

This pose is called the "Seriously, (insert country/politician name). How did this happen!?" face. See figure 1.2 below, the handbook has now been updated to include this expression as the template all other politicians should follow.

Figure 1.2 - the "Seriously, (insert country/politician name). How did this happen!?" face pose for politicians.

Note: This work is a piece of satire, take nothing posted here seriously, unless of course you are seriously laughing - in which case, continue.

Stay tuned to this blog and all our other social media platforms for more inspirational quotes from our guru!



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